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He said to her "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffereing." Mark 5:34

Welcome to Healing Faith, my current purpose where my passions align with the gifts God has given me. My prayer for this blog is that it can inspire a new generation of Christians that choose to use their faith in Jesus Christ to heal their hearts and communities. Not only does faith heal, but vulnerability does as well, so this blog is a testament to trusting God's healing process. Enjoy.

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For When Their Birthday Comes Around

There's this rule that I completely made up called the one year rule. The rule is you get one year post breakup to wish them a happy...

All you need is capital "L" Love

The other day, I was going through 'big picture' ice breaker questions with my friends at the kitchen table (classic Sammie I know). We...

Plans Change

I have spent the last year writing a poetry book. I haven't written a poem for it in awhile, so I think that means this project is...

What you do matters!!

This past spring break (2022), I went to Daytona with 4 of my best friends from W&M. On the plane ride there, one of my friends started...

Dear 2021,

you were a fever dream a blip in the timeline small and insignificant to the future but everything to me now to call you the best doesn't...

Sober 101

How to stay sober when going out - and actually have fun while doing it. I couldn't count the amount of people who have 1. said they were...

Dear Freshman Year Me,

I appreciate who you were and how much you grew. Truthfully, I still embody many of the traits you came into high school with, negative...

Hug Your Friends

I'm writing this post out of sadness and confusion. It sucks that one of the main things I have learned from my youth group over the past...

The Christian FOMO is Real

I just want to have fun. I want a normal teenage experience. I want to live my life like everybody else. I wish I was saved later in life...

Anyway - Spoken Word

Something that has been an integral part of my faith is writing spoken words. God speaks to me through them, and I believe he is going to...

For Fellow High School Seniors

This post isn't going to be too long; I just wanted to come on here and talk about what I'm going through right now, because I'm sure a...

The Problem with Self Affirmation

You do you. You're good enough on your own. You're perfect. You are worthy. I deserve _____. I love myself, and that's all that matters....

My List: Worship Music

Here is a list of 35 of my absolute favorite worship songs right now and of all time.

The Lord Loves Justice

1739 - The Stono rebellion. A group of slaves (growing in numbers as they moved from state to state) broke into a store and headed for...

Why You're Not "Feeling It"

I think at some point in our faith, all of us have said something along the lines of "I'm just not feeling it."

My Testimony

I wasn't born into a Christian household like most Christian teens I know were. My mom was raised Catholic and my dad is Jewish, so I...

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