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  • srchaito8

Anyway - Spoken Word

Something that has been an integral part of my faith is writing spoken words. God speaks to me through them, and I believe he is going to use them to speak to others. I initially created this blog as an avenue to share these writings, but for a long time I was scared. It's hard to share things that mean so much to me, and things that open me up to criticism from others. But today (Easter) I feel called to share one of my spoken words in the hopes that it will impact even one person.


I heard your plot to kill me after passover

I heard you deny me and my Father

I heard your shouts saying “crucify him!”

I heard you doubt me time and time again

I vouched on your behalf anyway

I knew you would betray me

I knew why you kissed my cheek

I knew you would turn away

I knew some wouldn’t accept my gift

I died for for you anyway

I felt your stones hit my flesh

I felt you drive nails into my hands

I felt the crown of thorns pierce my head

I felt your whips and stabs and beatings

I suffered so you wouldn’t have to anyway

I watched you choose a murderer over me

I watched you commit sins against me

I watched you hate my Children

I watched you worship everything of the world

I saw through the brokenness and made you perfect anyway

I could have stayed in heaven

I could have come down from the cross

I could have left you in your sin

I could have stayed in the grave

I rose from the dead and defeated sin anyway

Your sin sent me to this earth

Your sin nailed me to the cross

Your sin put my Father’s wrath upon me

Your sin left me in a tomb for three days

I don’t hold any of this against you anyway

After all I heard, all I knew, all I felt, all I watched, all I could have done

After all your sin did to me

I lived the perfect life, died, and forgave your sin anyway

And I didn’t even flinch

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