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  • srchaito8

Dear 2021,

you were a fever dream

a blip in the timeline

small and insignificant to the future

but everything to me now

to call you the best

doesn't feel right

but to call you the worst

is surely not right

if i were to put a value

on every relationship in my life

you brought me more

than you took away

that didn't stop it

from hurting like hell

but you cushioned my hurt

with love

and advice

and compassion

from my best friends

new and old alike

you allowed me to fall

fall in love

fall out of love

i hit the ground hard both times

and yet

God picked me up

and finally towards the end

i stood again

on the foundation of His love

His worthiness

His forgiveness

His healing

crazy how you witnessed

so many sides of me

parts of my life

that will impact who i am


maybe you aren't as insignificant

as i once thought

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1 commentaire

31 déc. 2021

Sammie, your way with words always impresses me. The whit and rhyme must be key. I’m glad 2021 brought me your sweet blog. Now I must go and walk my dog.

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