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  • srchaito8

Hug Your Friends

I'm writing this post out of sadness and confusion.

It sucks that one of the main things I have learned from my youth group over the past few years is loss. Loss of leaders, loss of members, and the loss of two lives. The place that was supposed to be filled with the most joy and presented me with the most hope is now completely empty and broken. I miss the way things used to be.

From the start of my time in youth group, things were not consistent. I had about 6 leaders leave in the 5 years I was there and each one hurt in a different way. For most I understood that God was calling them to other things, but for some I struggled to see purpose. All I saw was students leaving, and eventually the ultimate downfall of a once life-giving and amazing program. I looked forward, knowing that I could become plugged into campus ministry at my future school, but I also looked back on younger students like my little sister who would have to go without that community for so long. It still hurts, and I wish I appreciated the moments with my friends there more, because I did not know they would come to a close so early.

And in the past year, two previous members of this youth group died. They were a bit older than me so I did not know them as well as I wish I had, but I still feel an indescribable sadness when I think of all the time they should have had.

I don't really want to make this post a long one, but the moral of the story is to hug your friends. Your safe places and the people you call home will not be here forever, and you have no idea what people are going through. If you have the urge or intuition to text an old friend or call a family member, just do it. Don't overthink it because you never know when it may be your last time talking to them. And if you are reading this thinking that no one would care about you being gone - that is not true and will never be true. God loves you more than you can imagine, and I will ALWAYS be here if anyone needs support or a friend. Tell your friends and family you love them now.

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