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What's the Best Piece of Advice You've Ever Been Given?

This is obviously a very hard question for all of us. I mean how do we choose one piece of advice from the millions of tips we've gotten throughout our lives? Some advice may speak to us in the moment, but a lot of the time we don't remember specific advice that we've gotten in our day to day lives. I have been thinking especially hard trying to figure out what the best piece of advice I've ever been given is, and as I was thinking I had a question: what's the best piece of advice the people around me have recieved and applied into their lives? I have been an avid listener of Sadie Robertson's "WHOA That's Good Podcast" and it asks this very question to all of its guests. So inspired by her podcast, I decided to ask my instagram followers and friends what the best piece of advice they've ever gotten is, and here's their responses. (Names are not included out of respect for privacy)

1. “Your best is good enough” My best friend told me that when I was texting him freaking out about a test. I think about it all the time because I tend to stress out about a big project or a big game and it just calms me down and reminds me that the best you can do in that moment is enough. Even if things don’t turn out the way you’d hoped - you tried your best and that’s all that matters.You should be proud of yourself for the effort you put in even if the outcome isn’t ideal

2. Be yourself. If you are trying to be somebody else to get people to like you, then what are you going to do when they actually do like you but they don't know the real you?

3. Somethings you won’t have control over you just have to sit back and know that you will get through it. Everything happens for a reason so let it instead of trying to control it all the time. Things come and go it’s a part of life. Always put yourself first because at the end of the day you will only know 100% of how you feel not how another feels.

4. Thinking about the best advice I’ve ever been given is SO HARD because nothing really stands out to me as hands down the best advice. After thinking for awhile though I’d say the best advice I’ve ever been given is to love yourself first and this is from my sister. It's hard to put into words but it has helped me grow as a person and to be selfish every once in a while. Also loving yourself allows you to love others and love experiences in a way you never could before.

5. The best advice I've been given is from my mom. She said “be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” I have been applying this to my life by just working on being confident in my own skin and who I am and knowing that if I change who I am then I will not attract the relationships that will be compatible to myself and I can’t change for others.

6. The best advice I've gotten is probably just from therapy and being told you have to make yourself happy before others can... that's the only way to ensure lifelong happiness is making sure you're okay on your own and are not relying on others for happiness. It has definitely coincided with me restoring confidence in myself, and I definitely think they go hand in hand.

7. Words only have the power you give them.

8. Okay best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten that I can remember (it’s generic) was given to me by my mom and it was: don’t bother comparing yourself to others because there will always be someone that you perceive as smarter, prettier, happier, etc, but no one person will hold all the same attributes that you do. I can’t confidently say that this is the BEST piece of advice that I’ve ever received but it’s one of the best ones that I can remember. Overall, I apply this way of thinking in a lot of different aspects of my life but I think where it helps me the most is in my own self confidence. I think my mom told me this from a young age so I’ve grown up being pretty confident in my own skin, looks wise but also personality wise most importantly. But I think that naturally as people get older (like into upper teenage years) it's hard to remain confident in yourself when you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. Like comparing yourself to your classmate who has a better gpa, a teammate who got an award you wanted, a girl who seems to have more friends than you— none of it serves any purpose but to make you feel worse about yourself because you’re just taking a good trait that you see in someone else and automatically writing it off as if you don’t have that yourself. And you may not have traits that you see in other people and want, like you may not be as naturally intelligent as you’d like, but you have a whole set of other personality traits that shape who you are. So when I start to compare myself to other people, because I think it’s a common/ natural instinct, I remind myself that there’s a unique set of character traits that make up who I am, and I find that comforting because I wouldn’t want to change who I am.

9. The best advice I’ve gotten is that when you work hard you can never really fail in the long run. It came from my mom and it applies in just about everything I do because sometimes I take on a lot or it feels like I’m doing a lot, and then I’ll face a set back or something and it will feel like my hard work was all for nothing, but then I’m reminded that in the long run it should work out. 

10. Keep your dreams in concrete but your plans written in the sand. I was listening to the sadie robertson podcast and this word SHOOK me. I have always been the type to look forward to my future, and sometimes that turned into obsessing over ‘my life plan.' This way of thinking put up a constant barrier between myself and being fully present in the moment and left me feeling discontent with my (pretty amazing) life when things didn’t go my way. This advice helped me understand that God's plan, God's will, and God's way are not only unavoidable but so good when you embrace them.   

My advice - And finally, the best piece of advice I (Sammie) have ever been given is "God's not surprised." It may not seem like advice, but let me explain. It was the summer going into 10th grade, and I had my annual mission trip to Maryland with my youth group coming up. For the past two years, we had volunteered at a local church to teach a Vacation Bible School and renovate, so I was really looking forward to that. But when it came time to have the briefing meeting a few months before we left, my youth leader broke the news that not only would we not be able to go back to the VBS church, but we would also not be able to do any volunteer work that week. I was crushed because the community service is what I always look forward to, and now it would just be like a week of summer camp (which is still fun don't get me wrong, it just isn't what I had planned for). I was so frustrated and upset, but all my youth leader said to me was "God's not surprised even though we were." At the time I didn't realize how much weight that carried, but it's so true especially in our world today. We can plan our lives as much as we want but at the end of the day God's plan will prevail. And when things don't turn out the way we expect them to, we can rest assured that God was not surprised by the turn of events and He has it all under control. It actually ended being one of the best years at Recharge (the mission trip) and I learned so much about myself and my faith. Leave a comment in the chat or send me an email on 1. which piece of advice was your favorite and 2. what the best piece of advice you've gotten is !

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